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Foto: AiR: Roz McDonald feat. Bruce Barth

AiR: Roz McDonald feat. Bruce Barth

Montag 11.03.2024 19:30 HfMT, JazzHall

Roz Macdonald is a double bass player from Scotland who is currently studying on the Dr. Langner Jazzmaster program. She performs regularly on both scenes in a variety of different line ups and often elsewhere in Germany and Europe, as a sidewoman and with her own projects. In 2022 she released her debut album 'Make Do' with her own trio in Berlin and has since been composing and preparing to record a second album this year.

Through the 'Artist in Residence' program in the masters - she has had the amazing opportunity to invite a special guest pianist from NYC, Bruce Barth, to join her trio to play some concerts and record together.

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