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Dr. Konstantina Orlandatou



  • Adresse: Dr. Konstantina Orlandatou, Ligeti Zentrum Veritaskai 1 21079 Hamburg
  • E-mail:
  • Aufgabe: Leiterin des XR Labors im Ligeti Zentrum
  • Mitglied von: Multimediale Komposition



Akkordeon (Diplom, 1999)

Musiktheorie & Komposition (Diplom, 2005)

Multimediale Komposition (M.A., 2009)

Promotion Systematische Musikwissenschaft (Dr. Phil., 2014)


  • • Küssner, M. & Orlandatou, K. (2022). Sound-colour synaesthesia and music-induced visual mental imagery: two sides of the same coin? In Küssner, M. B., Taruffi, L., & Floridou, G. (Eds). Music and Mental Imagery: Theory, Research, and Applications. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • • Hajdu, G., Orlandatou, K. Cheung, J. (2022). A few thoughts on polymorphism in digital scores. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation & Representation, Marseille, Paris.
  • • Orlandatou, K. & Küssner, M. (2021). Sound-colour synaesthesia and music-induced visual mental imagery: a shared continuum of cross-modal experiences. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sheffield, UK.
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2018). Visualising Sound: A Cross-Cultural Study in Crossmodal Correspondences. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition, Graz, Austria.
  • • Van Dyck, E., Burger, B. & Orlandatou, K. (2017). The communication of emotions in dance. In M. Lesaffre, P-J. Maes & M. Leman (Eds.): The Routledge Companion to embodied music intercation. Routledge, 122-130
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2016). Seeing sounds and hearing pictures. In Jubiläumsschrift Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2015). Sound characteristics which affect attributes of the synaesthetic visual experience. Musicae Scientiae, Vol. 19, 389-401.
  • • Müller N.L., Orlandatou K., Hajdu, G. (2014). Starting Over - Chances Afforded by a New Scale (Bohlen Pierce). In Safari, S. & Stahnke, M. (Eds.): 1001 Microtones. Bockel.
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2014). Synaesthetic and intermodal audio-visual perception: an experimental research. Dissertation. Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg.
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2012). The role of Pitch and Timbre in the Synaesthetic Experience. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • • Orlandatou, K. (2011). Synästhesie und auditiv-visuelle Wahrnehmung. Ein Überblick. In T. Phleps & W. Reich (Hrsg.): Musik-Kontexte. Festschrift für Hanns-Werner Heister, Band II, Verlagshaus Monsenstein & Vannerdat, S. 653 – 661.

Laufende Projekte

  • Moving Sound Pictures:
  • Moving Sound Pictures is a project in which users have the opportunity to interactively explore paintings by known and contemporary visual artists through playful actions using VR technology. Use your body to shift, enlarge or downsize objects of the paintings in a virtual-reality (VR) environment and make music with these objects! Get information about the painting and the artist such as historical aspects of the artwork, painting techniques, etc. Pictures become audible and a new musical instrument emerges! Everyone can create their artworks individually and discover the artwork from another perspective!