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An die HfMT - Lehrende / Forschende

If you would like to come to Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg (HfMT) for a short term teaching exchange please contact your home international office about funding possibilities, and then also the HfMT faculty where you would like to spend your teaching stay. This really is the most important step towards a short term teaching stay at HfMT.

Teaching Exchange

Actually, most short-term lecturers come to us via the ERASMUS programme. You can find general information on the programme here:

ERASMUS Higher Education (teaching staff)

Visiting Scholar

The purpose of the HfMT Visiting Scholar programme is to bring outstanding artistic and/or scholarly faculty to the School to support teaching and research efforts and to enrich the School's international outlook and collaboration. Visitors are expected to actively participate in a range of institutional activities in addition to their own in-house research, such as:

  • Participation in lectures/lectures/seminars/workshops at the host university
  • Participation in formal or informal discussions/colloquia with undergraduate or postgraduate students
  • Joint research or artistic performances with faculty or staff of the host university
  • Conducting guest lectures or university teaching seminars


Katharina Strauer

Koordination Internationales+49 151