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Visual Composition in Networked Music Performance

Fach laut Studienplan
Techniques of Multimedia Composition
Prof. Dr. Georg Hajdu
Sommersemester 2024
Fridays, 10:00 - 11:30, Lab Sessions: 12:00 - 13:00. First date: April 12, 2024
ELA 5 (Grün 005)
2.5 Semesterwochenstunden

This course covers the basics of graphical score generation with Jitter, a Max package for video processing, and Drawsocket, a package for the manipulation of Web browsers in local and wide-area networks. We will learn how to use matrixes particularly for video and data processing, look at the MGraphics language for creating graphics in Max and continue by mastering SVG, a file format for scalable vector graphics which is also being used by MaxScore, a package for the creation of Western standard, proportional and graphical notation. Finally, we will apply this knowledge to build graphical compositions for deployment in man-machine networks as well as create various scenarios for music and multimedia performance.

3 Creditpoints
Technisches Wahlmodul 1 Multimediale Komposition Master