Analyse #21
- Fach laut Studienplan
- Seminar zu ausgewähltem Thema
- Lehrende
- Prof. Alexander Schubert
- Raum
- Keine Angabe
- Dauer
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Beschreibung
#Analysis21 - Topic „Virtuality“
Virtuality will be discussed with regard to performance practices, representations, interactions, simulation and digitalization. It will be considered both as a practical application in the arts (covering digital performance modes, video installations, VR pieces) and also as a cultural phenomenon and trend in current society. The concept of virtuality will be approached as a technical tool, a theoretic concept and a general metaphor.In this seminar we will listen to and watch pieces of the 21st century with a focus on multimedia works and electro-acoustic music. This includes audiovisual performances, videos and installations. The aim is to give an overview over the composers and pieces that have been part of the different recent discourses and that shaped the development, perception and creation of new multimedia pieces. This course addresses all students (composers, instrumentalists, artists alike) who are interested in the current concepts, trends and ideas that form the diverse corpus of multimedia art and contemporary music. It is meant as a discussion forum in which we talk about the pieces and their qualities and characteristics. Topics include #virtuality, #digitalism, #net art, #conceputalism, #performances, #interaction, #video and last but not least #fun!
Dienstags 12:00 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin 22.10.2024
Kein Online-Unterricht.
Bitte per Mail im Vorfeld anmelden.- Credits
- 2 Creditpoints
- Bemerkung
Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende der Multimedialen Komposition, Komposition und an alle interessierten Instrumentalisten!
Unabhängig von Vorwissen sind alle interessierten Teilnehmer eingeladen mitzumachen!
Language: English - on a level that allows discussing topics, reading texts and presenting artworks.
You need to speak fluent English for the course.- Module
- CoPeCo, Musiktheorie 3 Komposition/Musiktheorie, Theoretisches Wahlmodul Multimediale Komposition Master, Berufsvorbereitendes Wahlmodul Master, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wissenschaftliches Modul Multimediale Komposition Master