Microtonal Praxis
- Fach laut Studienplan
- Multimedia
- Lehrende
- Todd Harrop
- Termin
- Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. Dates: 22. and 29.10., 5., 12., 19. and 26.11., 3., 10. and 17.12., 7., 14., 21. and 28.1., 4., 11., 18. and 25.2. (Nota bene:15.10. was listed but has now been cancelled, with apologies; first class will be 22.10.)
- Raum
- ELA 5 (Grün 005)
- Dauer
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Beschreibung
This seminar is for students who wish to learn about microtonality or extend their own practice, either as composers/creators or interpreters/improvisers. The sessions will be balanced between theoretical topics (in ELA-5) and practical/lab work (in the MFS). We shall begin with fundamentals such as the harmonic series and microtonal notations, and then develop from there by making music with our own group. Whether acoustic or electronic, students will be expected to bring their instrument to the lab sessions. This seminar is separate from, but complementary to, the Microtonal Ensemble (Olsen & Sturm).
- Literatur
Any instrument-specific resources on microtonal production are welcome, e.g. Die Spieltechnik des Saxophons (Weiss und Netti).
- Credits
- 3 Creditpoints
- Bemerkung
Tuesdays from 10 to 11:30 AM in ELA-5 or Multifunktionsstudio (MFS) – dates to be provided.
- Module
- Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge)