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from Wed, 07/10/2019

Strategy and culture - New perspectives for the public cultural sector

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KMM graduate Björn Johannsen publishes his dissertation in the renowned transcript publishing house

The term "strategy" is used in many places - including in the everyday life of cultural institutions. But what does strategy really mean? Björn Johannsen offers a new perspective on the subject by questioning current trends in cultural management, critically examining traditional theories and also introducing philosophical considerations. He formulates the thesis that strategy is a skill, thus removing it from its economic context and making it available to the public cultural sector in particular, with its specific characteristics. However, fundamental suggestions are also given as to how the skill of "strategy" can be trained in practice. Interviews with Gerd Uecker, Andreas Hoffmann and Konstanze Ullmer complement the explanations.

Strategy and Culture - New Perspectives for the Public Cultural Sector

336 pages, hardcover, 16SW illustrationsISBN 978-3-8376-4755-6
E-Book (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-8394-4755-0
Price 39.99 euros each

Björn Johannsen has a degree in orchestral percussion (Berlin University of the Arts) and studied cultural management (Hamburg University of Music and Drama). After several years as a strategy consultant at a management consultancy in Munich, he was responsible for strategy at the Lübeck University of Music from 2010 to 2016. Following this position, he lived in Triefenstein Monastery for three years, where he conducted research on his main topics of strategy and culture as part of his dissertation. He received his doctorate from the Institute for Cultural and Media Management in Hamburg in 2019, and his dissertation will be published by transcript-Verlag in July under the title "Strategy and Culture - New Perspectives for the Public Cultural Sector". The results of his work are incorporated into the cultural consultancy Fishberg, which he founded, and he also supports the Blaibach concert hall as a cultural strategist.
