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Teaching theater

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The picture shows students of the teaching degree in theater.
Picture: Christina Körte
The picture shows the students of the teaching degree in theater.
Picture: Christina Körte
The picture shows students of the teaching degree in theater.
Picture: Christina Körte


The study program

Let's get started!

Since October 1, 2024, the subject "Theater" can be studied at the HfMT for a teaching degree. The course is part of the teacher training program in cooperation with the University of Hamburg and provides basic training for teaching at all types of schools (elementary school, secondary school and special education).

The course focuses on imparting knowledge and skills for teaching the subject "Theater" (in other federal states "Performing Arts") in a close combination of theory and practice. The course covers the areas of artistic-aesthetic practice, theoretical-scientific reflection and pedagogical-didactic skills.

The central subject of the course is the diverse forms of contemporary theater and performance. Future theater teachers gain experience in the practice of performative and performing arts and can develop an independent artistic attitude. They acquire basic knowledge of theater studies and theater pedagogy as well as contemporary theater, dance and performance forms and explore their aesthetic, social, political and pedagogical potential. They also practise guiding and mediating artistic processes. Current cultural studies and discrimination-critical discourses, such as gender, queer and post-colonial theories, are included.

In practical artistic group lessons, students get to know and try out their own forms of expression and aesthetic means such as body, voice, space, light, sound, etc. Since theater work is always cooperative and collaborative at its core, we particularly encourage a lively exchange within the group. Creative processes and artistic projects are initiated, developed and carried out together. Scenic research processes and project work in the group are thus an essential part of the course.

Joint theater visits, performance discussions and workshops with artists as well as internships in the professional theater business are also part of the course. The course cooperates with artists from the independent scene as well as with the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, the Junges Schauspielhaus Hamburg, the K3 Zentrum für Choreographie/Tanzplan Hamburg and other theater institutions in Hamburg. The degree program also offers a wide range of networking and internship opportunities in the school sector.

We see the university as a place of shared learning, reflection, research, experimentation and reflection. Openness, curiosity about other people and perspectives, a willingness to make mistakes and respect in our dealings with one another are essential for artistic processes in particular. We base all of this on an expanded concept of theater that includes performative, dance-choreographic, site-specific, participative, installative and other experimental forms.

The aim of the course is to develop an experimental, artistic-creative and critical attitude as well as the ability to work independently as artists and to engage in critical (self-)reflection. Students should be able to understand theatrical and performative arts in their social context and to test and reflect on them both theoretically and practically. They should be able to teach theater in a varied way, plan and carry out projects, encourage independent, creative work and develop new, group- and context-related methods.

Application period: annually from 15.02. - 01.04.

To the course flyer.

Latest news

Digital information event on the Teacher Training in Theater degree program

Are you interested in the Teacher Training in Theater degree program and would like to find out more about the application requirements and content?

We are offering a digital information event on a total of three dates:

Wed, 05.02.2025, 17:00

Sat, 15.02.2025, 11:00 a.m.

Thu, 20.02.2025, 17:00 h


Interested parties have the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about studying to become a theater teacher and the different types of schools. The offer is open both to those who are looking for an initial orientation for their choice of study and to students who already have a concrete interest in this course of study and would like to learn more about the content and requirements.


Welcome and general information about the degree course by Prof. Dr. Miriam Dreysse
followed by the opportunity to ask individual questions

Duration: approx. 60 min.

The event will take place on the Zoom platform. The access data will be sent out after registration.


Entrance examination

Details on the specific requirements for your degree program can be foundat here and in the entrance examination regulations (PDF)

The application deadlines can be found in the overview of application periods.
You can find all important information about the application at Online application.

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Miriam Dreysse

Fachgruppensprecher:in Lehramt Theater+49 152

Jessica Bertram

Koordination Lehramt Theater+49 151

Laura Jacques

Fachbüro Lehramt/Theater+49 40