Doctorate Dr. phil.
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At the HfMT, it is possible to obtain a doctorate (Dr. phil.) in the main doctoral subjects of musicology, music education, music therapy and cultural and media management. Anyone interested in a doctorate should - depending on the main doctoral subject - have completed a Master's degree in musicology, music theory, music teaching, music education, music therapy or cultural and media management.
The four main doctoral subjects are closely interlinked. The doctoral committee, which includes representatives from all of the departments mentioned, meets once or twice a semester, and an interdisciplinary doctoral candidate day is held once a semester. Interdisciplinary links are thus institutionally anchored. Regular colloquia promote exchange between doctoral candidates and enable them to regularly present and discuss the progress of their own project in plenary sessions.
There is also the option of exchanging ideas with doctoral students from the field of artistic research (Dr. sc. mus.) - composers, instrumentalists, singers, dramaturges, etc. - and benefiting from the diversity of the topics dealt with here. Regular events on the subject of artistic research can also be attended.
Important information
The deadline for the complete application for the summer semester is December 15 (date of postmark if sent by post), for the winter semester May 15 (date of postmark if sent by post).
Please refer to §3 and Annex 1 of the current doctoral degree regulations for the admission requirements.
Please note that with your application for admission as a doctoral candidate, you must also submit written consent from the first supervisor (and, if applicable, the second supervisor) stating that you are willing to supervise the dissertation. One of the first steps is therefore to talk to a potential reviewer who is willing and able to supervise the doctorate.
Please refer to §4 of the current doctoral degree regulations to find out who can be considered as a reviewer.
Please submit your application (summarized in a pdf file!) by e-mail to the:chair of the doctoral committee and to
Doctoral subjects
We offer doctoral opportunities in the main subjects of musicology, music education, music therapy and cultural and media management.
Doctoral projects
On the following page you will find the current doctoral projects as well as the completed doctorates of all subjects in the Dr. Phil.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the application process and enrolment (Dr. sc. mus. and Dr. phil.), please contact:
Prof. Dr. Gitta Strehlow
Vorsitz Promotionsausschuss Dr.