Multimedia Composition
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The program
The study of Multimedia Composition at the University of Music and Drama in Hamburg offers a first class education at the media location Hamburg, one of the most interesting cities in Germany.
The interdisciplinary, modular course of study is designed to last two years and is completed with a Master of Arts (M.A.). It is open to both composers with an interest in media as well as media artists and computer scientists with an interest in music.The final exam consists of a written master thesis and an artistic project.
This master's program is a full time 2-year studies program (in 4 semesters). A Master of Arts (M.A.) certificate is awarded after successful completion of the program.
Since 2010 there is the opportunity for multimedia composers to follow an artistic doctorate's program, the Dr.Sc.Mus (Dr. scientiae musicae). This corresponds approximately to the American Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.).
Fields of study
- Algorithmic composition (with Max / MSP and OpenMusic)
- Digital signal processing and live electronics
- Plugin design
- Live interaction with music and video
- Network and internet composition
- Interactive Installation
- Sensors
- Work in the digital recording studio
- Aesthetics of new media
- Microtonal composition
- Radio drama and drama music
- Soundtrack
- Conceptual Art
Software and programming languages taught
- Max/MSP/Jitter
- Ableton Live / Max for Live
- Logic
- IRCAM software (OpenMusic, AudioSculpt, Diphone, etc.), SPEAR
- Java
- JavaScript
In order to attend this master's program you have to:
- apply under following link:
- submission of at least three representative works which demonstrate the ability to perform artistically Demonstrate the use of digital media, especially in the field of computer music. These works can be in the form of scores, texts, recordings, computer programs, videos, etc. and/or interactive websites.
- attend the entrance examination (in English) which consists of following parts:
- a 3-hour written exam including a) an elaboration and solution of a task in the filed of interactive computer music/mutlimedia, b) a factual text to be summarized and commented on, c) multiple choice test on important terms in computer music and digital media
- 15min interview on your work and motivation to join the program
Course catalog
* lecturer at HfMT according to §26 Hamburg Higher Education Act
Cansu Arslan
Fachbüro Multimedia und Neue Kompositionstechniken+49 162