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Opera singing

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Grand Summer Opera of the HfMT 2022: Le Nozze di Figaro
Picture: Jörg Modrow
Opera Concisa 2019 (Director: Jochen Biganzoli, 2019, Forum HfMT)
Picture: engerfoto
The great summer opera: "Rinaldo"
Das Rheingold, opera concisa in February 2021
Picture: engerfoto

The study program

The Master's degree course in Opera prepares students for a career as an opera singer.  Students learn at an advanced technical and artistic level how to meet the diverse demands of the vocal, musical and scenic performance of an opera role.

Particular emphasis is placed on the comprehensive development of the singer's own personality. The Master's course enables students to develop all the potentials and colors of their own voice in an intensively supervised environment that corresponds to their personal level of development.

New concepts and ways of playing

The focus of the course is the development of scenic-musical presence on stage. Students learn to implement artistic intentions on stage in such a way that vocal technique, musical design and acting are brought together to create a credible stage character. In addition to the core module in singing, role study and scenic-musical performance, other components of the course include speech training, stage training and electives from the interdisciplinary range of courses offered by the university. 

In a constantly evolving theater landscape, singers must always be able to deal with new concepts and ways of performing. Students are prepared for this, not least through active interlinking with the neighboring courses in directing acting, directing musical theater, acting and dramaturgy. In addition, the Theaterakademie Hamburg has various national and international connections, not least through its integration into the EOA, which serve to network students. Many of its professors are internationally  successful artistic personalities who can make it easier for students to make contact with an active career in opera.

In addition to very intensive supervision in individual and ensemble lessons, students are offered a clearly structured training program. This is based on the following four pillars, which structure the academic year:

At the beginning of each year, the Lucia Thörl Masterclass is held exclusively for Master Opera students, focusing on both music and  theater. In the last two years, Ks .Prof. Christiane Iven and Ks. Helene Schneidermann have been guest lecturers.

In preparation for competition concerts, an opera gala is held every December with the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, in which students can perform ensembles and arias in concert with orchestra.

At the end of the winter semester, there is regularly a smaller opera production, the so-called opera concisa. Here, individual scenes from the opera literature are presented in a project format that is constantly being redefined.

At the end of the academic year, a fully-fledged production of the opera class takes place at a professional level on the university's main stage at the end of the summer semester. The professors of the university are responsible for the scenic and musical direction and the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra will perform. (link to webcast coming soon). Performances in recent years have included Dido and Aenea, Riders to the sea, The Merry Widow, The Magic Flute, Le Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni and The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny. Handel's Alcina is on the program in June and July 2018.

Important documents

Course catalog


Entrance examination

All applicants must prove their artistic and academic aptitude for studying at the university in an entrance examination.

Details on the specific requirements for your degree program can be found here and in the respective examination regulations:

The application deadlines can be found in the overview of application periods
All important information about the application can be found under online application.

Contact us

Prof. Willem Marcel Wentzel


Mascha Wehrmann
