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The Baroque Orchestra of the HfMT under the direction of Prof. Domen Marincic provides new interpretative and rehearsal experiences in dealing with orchestral works, solo concertos, cantatas and oratorios from the 17th to the early 19th century for strings, winds, continuo instruments, possibly also percussion and singers. Based on the approach of historical performance practice, the content and expression of the respective music can be deduced from the notes and placed in the context of the time and the stylistic and technical requirements of its creation, a rich field of practice for empathy training and the perception of qualified differences of national and regional styles, of notation and execution (also facsimile and new edition), of different types of movements, articulation, dynamics, time structures, sounds and affects (emotions) arises for us musicians today. As a rule, modern instruments are used, including historical bows for the strings, earlier types of instruments for the woodwinds and natural trumpets and horns for the brass. In addition to the new Bachelor's elective module in Early Music for Strings, this work allows students to gain an additional qualification as an orchestral musician or soloist and can lead to a new flexibility in dealing with tones, sounds, harmonies, language, time levels, rhythm, tempo rubato, gestures, expression and content. And it enables them to develop into knowledgeable and inspired musicians by experimentally questioning many outdated habits and beliefs in peace and in a protected, friendly environment. The relationship between orchestral conducting, rehearsal practice, solo and orchestral playing can also be experienced anew and questioned again and again. In addition, there are diverse and stimulating encounters between different specialist groups and lecturers. All students taking part as soloists receive additional support during the semester. Participation requires registration, and acceptance is based on the required balance of the ensemble. Rehearsals take place regularly on a weekly basis with a final concert at the end of the semester.
University orchestra

Artistic Director: Ulrich Windfuhr
The HSO is the symphony orchestra of the University of Music and Drama. The repertoire is developed in 4 productions per year. After a series of rehearsals, the HSO prepares 2 concerts in a concert week, as in their later professional life, with one of the concerts being conducted by students from the conducting class.
School music orchestra

The HfMT School Music Orchestra was founded in 2006 and since then has offered school music students (current and former) and external members the opportunity to gain orchestral experience. Under the direction of Lorenz Nordmeyer, a varied program is developed each semester, which is presented at a final concert at the end of the semester. School music students themselves also have the opportunity to rehearse and perform works with the orchestra as part of their orchestral conducting lessons.
The works they have already worked on include:
Beethoven, Symphony No. 7
Brahms, Symphony No. 4
Mahler, Symphony No. 1
Rimsky-Korsakov, Symphony No. 2
Shostakovich, "Gadfly Suite"
Schubert, Symphony No. 8
Sibelius, Symphony No. 3
Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4
The orchestra rehearses during the lecture period on Tuesdays from 18:30-21:00 in the university's orchestra studio and organizes a rehearsal weekend every six months. Current concert dates can be found in the HfMT calendar of events.