Music theory
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The Music Theory department at the HfMT Hamburg is responsible for compulsory teaching in all degree courses in addition to the main subject of music theory for composition, ear training, analysis seminars and lectures in the subjects of form and style. The aim of the teaching staff is to teach the content in a way that is both practical and academically sound. In view of today's very diverse professional practice, a broad spectrum of music theory courses should enable young musicians in particular to tackle their own artistic projects, place music in context and, if necessary, communicate this to fellow musicians and an audience.
The spectrum of specializations of the teaching staff ranges from early to contemporary music. In the latter area in particular, students benefit from close links with the areas of composition, multimedia and jazz. Special courses such as aural analysis, solfège, experimental ear training, (applied) instrumentation etc. round off the extensive range of courses on offer. The HfMT Hamburg offers a BA and an MA course in music theory and, following a successful MA degree, also opens up the possibility of a doctorate in musicology.
Bachelor's degree
The special feature of the Bachelor's degree course in Composition/Music Theory is the close integration of the two subjects, which has a long tradition at the HfMT Hamburg. This combination enables students who are interested in both artistic-practical work in the constantly developing field of contemporary music and in the theoretical-reflective field to decide on an individual focus in one of the two areas during the course of their studies. However, the course is also ideal for students who decide on one of the two areas from the outset, as the individual major can be chosen according to their interests. In addition to the main subject lessons, the minor subject piano, as well as the subjects aural training, basso continuo, score playing, stylistic improvisation and conducting are included in both areas of study, as well as study components with regard to didactic teaching.
For students specializing in music theory, the focus is on practical work on style copies, etc., as well as the development of important sources and historical approaches and the study of more recent academic theories. Learning how to write about music on a scientific basis culminates in a written BA thesis. Overall, students on both courses should develop an awareness of the theoretical and academic aspects of what characterizes artistic creation. On completion of the course, they should be able to develop and realize their own artistic and academic concepts as well as research approaches. They should be able to express themselves competently in writing and orally about their own theoretical approaches and be able to deal with the demands of a public appearance in the form of a lecture.
The target group for the MMus Music Theory is music theorists who have in-depth knowledge of music theory research as well as outstanding technical and practical skills in the various areas of applied music theory, such as basso continuo. score playing, stylistic improvisation etc. Potential applicants should already be able to present their ideas and research approaches with confidence and authenticity in the aptitude test.
The focus of the MA Music Theory course is on individual tuition in the major subject, which is supplemented by a joint weekly seminar for all major subject students in the area of music theory. In this seminar, students not only present their own written and compositional work, but also discuss the latest academic approaches in music theory. In addition, there is a regular lecture series ("Colloquium Music Theory") with contributions from lecturers from the department as well as prominent guests from Germany and abroad This combination of individual supervision in private lessons and group discussions reflects the current requirements for a later professional career. In addition to theoretical academic subjects in the form of specialized seminars tailored to the degree course, which complement the main subject teaching, the second half of the course focuses on individual profiling, independent research approaches and possibly the first small publications as well as preparation for the final thesis, usually an MA degree with a public presentation. The content-related training is supplemented by a two-semester teaching internship and the opportunity to take on tutorials that prepare students for a later career in the field of education.
* lecturer at HfMT according to §26 Hamburg Higher Education Act
Course catalog
Entrance examination
All applicants must prove their artistic and academic aptitude for studying at the university in an entrance examination.
Details on the specific requirements for your degree program can be found in the respective examination regulations:
The application deadlines can be found in the overview of application periods
All important information about the application can be found under online application.
Contact us
Svetlana Wittner
Fachbüro Komposition und Musiktheorie+49 40
Prof. Catherine Fourcassie