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Transfer strategy

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The transfer strategy adopted in 2017 is based on the understanding that the HfMT Hamburg, as an artistic university, carries out its transfer on and with the stage. This is where new ideas and creative strategies are implemented and presented to an audience, often as the result of lengthy work, research and learning processes. The knowledge, experience and skills available at the university are brought to the public on stage, creating a dialog and enabling social participation. The concept of the stage must be viewed in a differentiated way. The transfer strategy of the HfMT Hamburg distinguishes between four types of stage on which it focuses its transfer measures:

  1. Real stage: The HfMT Hamburg's own event halls are equipped with modern facilities and offer optimal technical conditions for all disciplines available at the university and for innovative stage projects. The organization of public events for interested citizens is an important pillar of the HfMT Hamburg's transfer activities.
  2. Virtual stage: productions are documented audiovisually and made available free of charge in the university's own media library; communication also includes social media, the university's own journal ZWOELF, the university website and articles in external media. Digital communication formats, apps for specific target groups and platforms on artistic and academic topics round off the transfer activities in the digital and virtual realm.
  3. Alternative stage: With the aim of social participation, the HfMT Hamburg takes its productions and workshop offerings out of the university and into the city in order to better reach specific target groups and reduce inhibitions in the interaction between society and science/university.
  4. Hybrid stage: Technologies are used to create experimental and innovative total works of art in which real and virtual stages merge. Body sensor technology, intermedia networking, projections and 3D representation of sound and bodies enable new kinds of experiences.

Diverse mediation formats

The transfer activities on the four different stages are accompanied by numerous activities in the field of art education. Only with in-depth background knowledge of historical, aesthetic and technological developments in Music and Drama can contemporary productions be placed in their context, understood and appreciated accordingly. Particular potential is seen in the interdisciplinary collaboration between the various departments of the HfMT Hamburg as well as in the cooperation with external partners such as cultural institutions, schools, kindergartens, socio-cultural centers or social initiatives. Here, competencies are bundled and synergy effects are released, which can be used fruitfully in the sense of artistic and scientific innovation. The list of partners with whom the HfMT Hamburg collaborates institutionally and on a long-term or temporary basis in specific projects is long. After all, a socially relevant discourse can only be conducted through a lively exchange between all stakeholders.