Studio for Early Music
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The Studio for Early Music at the Hamburg University of Music consists of a small but versatile working group with great effectiveness and broad impact. The focus is on music from the 16th to 18th centuries, although earlier and modern music from the 20th and 21st centuries is also performed (see below). The subjects on offer are recorder, transverse flute, harpsichord, basso continuo, clavichord, pianoforte (the 18th century piano), chamber music and performance practice. Together with guests from other departments, students from the department form an early music vocal ensemble and a baroque orchestra. There are also subjects such as baroque violoncello and a early music string profile for Bachelor students as well as interdisciplinary lectures on historical performance practice.
The regular lessons, which mainly take place individually and sometimes in groups, are supplemented by a variety of projects and special courses, e.g. in the field of dance or certain performance practice topics. There are also excursions to visit special instruments from the Hamburg collections as well as domestic and foreign museums and private collections.
The concert series of the "Studio for Early Music" in the Spiegelsaal of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (which houses the famous Beurmann collection) offers a highlight several times a semester. Students and lecturers from the department perform colorful programs with a variety of themes from very different repertoire areas. These and other external concerts are complemented by internal and public auditions and class evenings, which take place in the beautiful halls of the university.
For harpsichord and recorder, "Theory of the main subject" is also offered. Topics such as the construction and history of the instrument, repertoire, notation, performance practice, methodology, different tunings etc. are discussed here.
Although it does not belong to an "early music department" in terms of content, the repertoire of 20th and 21st century "old" instruments is of course not neglected. Here, too, there is a constant stream of new impulses and developments.
Cooperation with neighboring departments is just as important as our own internal work. There is a lively exchange with students and lecturers from the departments of organ, church music, opera and singing. Modern string and wind players are also increasingly finding their way to our rooms in the "orange wing" (the different wings of the university building are marked with color codes).
The department has a fine collection of harpsichords, clavichords, two small chest organs and a pianoforte in various designs and styles. There are also two complete Renaissance recorder consorts.
Lectures are held in line with the Early Music department. For example, "Theory of the main subject" is also offered for harpsichord and recorder. Topics such as the construction and history of the instrument, repertoire, notation, performance practice, methodology, different tunings etc. are discussed here.
Sound body
Interdisciplinary offers
The Early Music department regularly presents interdisciplinary projects and concerts.
* lecturer at HfMT according to §26 Hamburg Higher Education Act
Associate members
* lecturer at HfMT according to §26 Hamburg Higher Education Act
Contact us
Prof. Peter Holtslag
Fachgruppensprecher:in Alte