Scholarships, funding programs and competitions
Scholarships and prizes at the HfMT Hamburg
Germany Scholarship
The Scholarship Program Act (StipG) for the Deutschlandstipendium established a nationwide scholarship program that involves private sponsors in top-level funding at German universities. The federal government pays talented students 150 euros per scholarship and month if the university raises the same amount from private sources. Students can thus receive a scholarship of 300 euros per month for a period of one year. Applications for extensions are possible. For details on the procedure and selection criteria, please refer to the statutes of the Hamburg University of Music and Drama for the awarding of Deutschlandstipendien.
Thörl Scholarship
The Lucia Thörl Foundation supports particularly talented and needy students of the HfMT who are pursuing an artistic, academic or pedagogical professional qualification in all areas of music , including music theater.
The foundation is providing five scholarships for the year 2025. The scholarship holders will receive a monthly grant of €500 for 12 months. Follow-up funding is possible, but must be reapplied for.
The application process is digital. The call for applications is published on the intranet of the HfMT Hamburg.
Scholarships for international students
Current: No scholarships will be awarded in winter semester 24/25!
In principle, international students without German citizenship can apply for one or more scholarships twice a year. Further information under Scholarships for international students.
Elise Meyer competition
With its annual competition, the Elise Meyer Foundation supports particularly talented music students by awarding scholarships in the form of cash prizes, whereby the funding is exclusively for students at the Hamburg University of Music and Drama. The criterion for selection is the quality of the candidates' artistic achievements. Students in the fields of singing, strings, piano and wind instruments are supported.
Elise Meyer Foundation
Dr. Bernhard Röttger
Alter Wall 32, 20457 Hamburg
Tel: (040) 32 58 92 0
Email: office[at]
The 2024 competition will take place in May and June. The registration deadline is April 28.
Johannes Brahms Foundation
The Johannes Brahms Foundation supports older professional musicians in need and provides grants to support the training of talented young musicians. Eligibility requirements: The musicians must be born in Hamburg or work or have worked in Hamburg.
Michael Ovel
Kontakt Johannes Brahms-Stiftung+49 40
Study Foundation of the German People
The Studienstiftung supports students at universities, universities of applied sciences and state colleges of art and music in Germany.
All German citizens and, as a rule, foreign nationals with a right of permanent residence in Germany meet the requirements of §8 BAföG.
There are no formal age limits for funding.
The eligibility for funding for a course of study is generally based on the provisions of BAföG. The Studienstiftung also supports students until the end of the standard period of study (including Master's degree).
It is not possible to apply for regular scholarships for a second or postgraduate degree.
Further information can be found at
Prof. Fredrik Schwenk
Kontakt Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (Musik)+49 40
Prof. Sabina Dhein
Kontakt Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (Theater)+49 170
Ribke Foundation
The purpose of the Ribke Foundation is to award an annual prize for special merit in the field of music and instrumental pedagogy or elementary music pedagogy. The prizewinners are nominated by the foundation's board of trustees. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is the Honorary President of the Hamburg University of Music and Drama, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Rauhe.
Foundation of German Business
"We create opportunities!" In accordance with this guiding principle, all activities of the Foundation of German Business are aimed at creating the best possible conditions for young people and young adults to start a successful, fulfilling career.
Students and doctoral candidates
Studienkolleg für Lehramtstudierenden
(external links, the HfMT is not responsible for the content)
Pro Exzellenzia
With the 543 additional scholarships recorded, myStipendium offers an overview of more than 2,100 scholarship programs with a total value of 610 million euros per year. shows every student and doctoral candidate quickly, easily and free of charge which scholarships match their own CV. With more than 2,100 scholarship programs and more than 30 filter criteria, the platform is by far the largest and most comprehensive scholarship platform in Germany. myStipendium has received various new national awards this year alone, including StartSocial Scholarship 2014 under the patronage of Angela Merkel and inclusion in the Robert Bosch Foundation's "Die Verantwortlichen" network. More than 2,300 supporters at more than 90% of all German universities are already helping us with our work.
The aim of is to help particularly disadvantaged students to find funding for their studies. In Germany, too, the main reason for students not being able to complete their studies is still a lack of secure funding. This is why we do educational work on scholarships (e.g. on the biggest myths, because they are not only available for the highly gifted and committed) and help students and doctoral candidates of all semesters to find funding for their studies with myStipendium.
Detailed information can be found at link, the HfMT is not responsible for the content)