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Culture & Media management

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Proven over many years and unique in Europe

The Cultural Management course at the Hamburg University of Music and Drama was established in 1987 and, with this founding year, has the longest tradition of all KMM institutions in Germany. The Institute for Cultural and Media Management emerged from it in 2000 and, with over 500 students, is now one of the largest institutions of its kind in Europe. It also offers a range of KMM courses that is unique in Europe - from the Certificate and Bachelor of Arts to the Master of Arts and Dr. phil. degrees.

The KMM Hamburg Institute is divided into the areas of study and research; high-ranking and prominent cultural and media experts work at the institute. They represent the intensive transfer between theory and practice. The KMM Institute itself also stands for this cooperation: The KMM Institute covers almost four-fifths of its financial requirements from acquired and generated third-party funds.

422 Studierende
3 Studiengänge

Did you know that ...

... that "KlassikRadio" was conceived and realized as part of the KMM project studies? The KMM Hamburg Institute was also innovative in numerous other projects, many of which still exist today and serve as models for others - such as "freiKartE" = the free admission ticket to over 30 cultural institutions for first-year students at all Hamburg universities and colleges or "kunst meets kommilitonen" = a program to encourage students to visit museums.

Upcoming events in the KMM area

Portrait Thu, 02/13 Discussion series
Hamburg Talks for Culture & Media

Mendelssohn-Saal, 19:30 Uhr

Portrait Thu, 04/10 Discussion series
Hamburg Talks for Culture & Media

Mendelssohn-Saal, 19:30 Uhr