Stage direction
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The study program
The Acting Directing course focuses on collaboration with actors. From the first semester onwards, directing, acting and dramaturgy students work together on joint scene studies and projects.
Another focus is the exploration of the tension between text and stage. Authors are integrated into the training as artistic partners through collaboration with the scenic writing course at the UdK Berlin. At the annual Hamburg Poetry Lecture, authors such as Kathrin Röggla, Wolfram Lotz, Ferdinand Schmalz, Thomas Köck and Ivna Žic talk about their writing for the theater.
Methods of scenic text production can be tried out in projects as part of play development.
In the first semesters of the three-year course, students learn the basics of body, space, scene and play. They also learn how to use aesthetic design tools such as lighting, technology, multimedia, stage design and costume. Rehearsal processes, production conditions and procedures are also analyzed and consciously designed.
In the second part, the artistic search opens up to other formats such as site-specific, multimedia approaches, theater for young audiences and inclusive ensembles. The projects are created in close cooperation with the HfBK's stage design students and the HAW's costume design students.
The artistic-scientific course provides an overview of theoretical, historical and aesthetic theatrical discourses as well as social-sociological issues. Research questions from various academic disciplines are explored in depth in regular symposia.
The focus of the course is not on the result, i.e. the presentation of a project, but on the rehearsal process as the exploration of scenic possibilities. Lecturers from theater practice accompany the students in their artistic development.
A Master's course in Directing, which builds on the Bachelor's course, is currently being developed.
Graduating class 2023 (BA 3 years)
Graduating class 2023 (BA 4 years)
Graduating class 2024 (BA 3 years)
Graduating class 2024 (BA 4 years)
* lecturer at HfMT according to §26 Hamburg Higher Education Act
Course catalog
Entrance examination
All applicants must prove their artistic and academic aptitude for studying at the university in an entrance examination.
Details on the specific requirements for your degree program can be found in the respective examination regulations:
The application deadlines can be found in the overview of application periods
All important information about the application can be found under online application.
Contact us
Marjan Yassen
Fachbüro Regie Schauspiel+49 40
Prof. Sabina Dhein
Fachgruppensprecher:in Regie Schauspiel+49 170
Paul Marwitz
Koordination Regie Schauspiel+49 152
Katharina Alsen