Dr. Grégory Beller
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- www.gregbeller.com
(external link, the HfMT is not responsible for the content) - Member of: Multimedia composition
- Greg Beller works as an artist, researcher, teacher and computer designer for the contemporary arts. At the nexus of the arts and sciences at IRCAM, he has successively been a doctoral student working on generative models of expressivity and their applications to speech and music, a computer-aided music designer, director of the Research/Creation Interfaces department and product manager of the IRCAM Forum. Founder of the Synekine project, he invents new musical instruments combining sound and movement, which he uses in comprovisation situations with various performers or in computer-assisted composition, notably in his opera "The Fault". At the ligeti center, while preparing a second doctorate on "Natural Interfaces for Computer Music", he is a research assistant in the innovation-lab and teaches in the Multimedia Composition department at Hamburg's HfMT University for Music and Drama.