Success for HfMT composition class
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Four students from Prof. Gordon Kampe's composition class have recently been awarded important grants or performances of their works.

The jury consisting of Sarah Theilacker (LICHTHOF Theater), Prof. Albrecht Faasch (Theaterakademie Hamburg) and Hans-Jörg Kapp (Stimme X) selected Master's students Philipp Krebs and Felix Stachelhaus for the XLH Rechercheräume Musiktheater 2019.
For the composer Philipp Krebs the research grant is a stage in a work process of compositional self-reflection that has been ongoing since 2017. The composer Felix Stachelhaus deals with the question of how the political topicality of the day can be integrated into a modular piece in the concert talk "Art isn't fair", which oscillates between concert, theater and cabaret. Philipp Krebs is also a finalist in the composition competition of the International Eight Bridges Festival with the ensemble Electronic ID.
The Master's student Catalina Rueda was selected by the Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin to take part in the "KNM Contemporaries" project. The event will take place from March 18-21, 2019 at the Uferstudios in Berlin. Information at
Last but not least, a piece by Yiran ZhaoPhD student of HfMT professors Prof. Dr. Nina Noeske and Gordon Kampe was performed by the neue vocalsolisten at the Ultraschall Festival earlier this year and Philipp Krebs' At Close Quarters (performance and installation) was premiered at this year's eclat festival in Stuttgart.