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Integratives Körpertraining

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Study subject
body-oriented teaching
Prof. Elisabeth Pelz
Monday, 9 - 10:30
Bewegungsstudio II
1.5 Semesterwochenstunden

Applied kinesiology:

Observing and grasping body relationships, body connections, movement sequences and posture on the basis of living anatomy and the connection between breath and movement.

Body-centered experiences:

Sequences on perception, tension laboratory - posture - balance - body presence - physical-mental connections - movement coordination and isolation, discovery of one's own range of expression, physically, with and without an instrument.

The technique training is based on functional movement training, BMC and New Dance. Through targeted movement impulses, it creates a connection to basic dance techniques.

Improvisation is ultimately a composition of the moment. Contents: Playful flexibility training, dance communication and interaction in the group - pool of ideas - introduction to non-verbal communication and cultivation of movement expression

Change of self-image and improvement of neuromuscular training and coordination.

music-centered experiences:

instrumental experiments and improvisations; rhythmic metrics, performance differentiation

ein Creditpoint
Start: October 9, 2023
Kernmodul 1 Instrumentalpädagogik, Kernmodul 1 Block- und Traversflöte, Kernmodul 1 Cembalo, Kernmodul 1 Fagott, Kernmodul 1 Flöte, Kernmodul 1 Gitarre, Kernmodul 1 Harfe, Kernmodul 1 Horn, Kernmodul 1 Kontrabass, Kernmodul 1 Klavier, Kernmodul 1 Klarinette, Kernmodul 1 Oboe, Kernmodul 1 Orgel, Kernmodul 1 Posaune, Kernmodul 1 Schlagzeug, Kernmodul 1 Trompete, Kernmodul 1 Tuba, Kernmodul 1 Viola, Kernmodul 1 Violoncello, Kernmodul 1 Violine, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge)