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Lessons with Prof. Stepan Simonyan
Picture: Christina Körte
Lessons with Prof. Caroline Weichert
Picture: Christina Körte
Lessons with Prof. Hubert Rutkowski
Picture: Christina Körte
Lessons with Prof. Anna Vinnitskaya
Picture: Christina Körte

The study program

Since its foundation, the piano department has been able to make a name for itself thanks to the appointment of internationally outstanding artists such as Eduard Erdmann, Conrad and Eliza Hansen, Yara Bernette, Volker Banfield, Evgenij Koroliov and others. It demonstrates a high  artistic level and stands for the teaching of diverse pianistic traditions.

The department's mission is to familiarize graduates with the entire spectrum of pianistic work in a practical way. As historically reflected artistic personalities, they should be open to modernity and study in the knowledge that they will actively shape future developments in piano music. The current 25 teaching staff (professors, lecturers and lecturers) in the department are committed to these high standards.

The team covers the Bachelor's, Master's and concert exam programs with piano as a major subject, school music and EMP (compulsory subject and major subject), minor subject piano. Soloist training is complemented by a wide range of interesting courses such as chamber music, Song Interpretation, improvisation, historical grand pianos, methodology and contemporary playing techniques.

As part of the concert exam, the performance of a piano concerto with the "Hamburger Symphoniker" or the university orchestra is part of the compulsory curriculum. The program offered by the Carreer Center gives students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of external events and to develop their own programs. The department organizes numerous piano competitions. These include the Steinway Prize, the annual Elise Meyer Competition and the biennial  International Theodor Leschetizky Piano Competition.

Important documents

Course catalog



Entrance examination

All applicants must prove their artistic and academic aptitude for studying at the university in an entrance examination.

Details on the specific requirements for your degree program can be found here and in the respective examination regulations:

The application deadlines can be found in the overview of application periods
All important information about the application can be found under online application.

Contact us

Prof. Hubert Rutkowski

Fachgruppensprecher:in Klavier+49 176