Jazzchor der HfMT "Body and Soul"
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- Study subject
- Choir
- Teachers
- Sophia Oster , Erek Siebel
- Scope
- Wednesday, 16:30 - 18:00
- Room
- Mendelssohn-Saal
- Duration
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Description
- Exercises for body awareness, intonation and
- Exercises with and without sheet music - Afro-American
traditions of musical learning
- Small group work (quartet to octet),
(Barbershop Quartet/Andrews Sisters)
- Divisional phases in which the participants can
vocal improvisation and piano accompaniment and
and piano accompaniment at their own choice
- Intensive work on rhythm and "swingfeel" through
exercises and a specially selected repertoire
- Lyrical and subtext studies - a new look at the language of
language of Afro-American jazz and blues
Musical program:
- Arrangements by Darmon Meader, Gene Purling...
- Big band transcriptions for choir, scat vocabulary and improvisation
improvisation (collective and solo)
- A journey from spiritual to blues to swing
- Contemporary composers (John Kelly...) and
"Originals" by choir members
- Credits
- 2 Creditpoints
- Comments
- Registration at erek.siebel@hfmt-hamburg.de
- Modules
- Kernmodul 1 Cembalo, Kernmodul 1 Gitarre, Kernmodul 1 Klavier, Kernmodul 1 Orgel, Kernmodul 2 Klavier, Kernmodul 3 Klavier, Künstlerisches Wahlmodul Instrumente 1, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge)