Musik und Gesundheit
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- Subject according curriculum
- Instrumental music, instrumental pedagogy
- Teachers
- David Sebastian Baaß , Julia Keyser , Prof. Hans-Georg Spiegel
- Room
- Seminarraum Musiktherapie
- Duration
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Description
The Office for Music and Health offers a two-semester course program on health topics, including physical aspects (e.g. overloading of arms/necks) and psychosocial topics (e.g. stage fright, stress management). A theoretical introduction is followed by practical exercises under physiotherapeutic guidance. The course runs over the winter and summer semesters and ends with a practical oral examination. If you are interested, please register at
- Literature
Spahn, Richter, Altenmüller (eds.) - MusikerMedizin | Spahn - Musikergesundheit in der Praxis |
- Credits
- 2 Creditpoints
- Comments
The course takes place on Wednesdays from 3 - 6 pm in the music therapy seminar room.
Schedule overview:
09.10.2024: Introductory event |
23.10.2024: Bones, joints, muscles |
06.11.2024: Arm, arm overload |
20.11.2024: Breathing and diaphragm |
04.12.2024: Body awareness, senses |
18.12.2024: Organization of the sensorimotor system |
08.01.2025: Psychological basics |
22.01.2025: Mental practice |
05.02.2025: Ear, hearing protection |- Modules
- Vermittlungsmodul 4 IP, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge)