Diversity can inspire
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Music and theater today - inclusion as an artistic extension.
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Annette Ziegenmeyer and Julia Peters (Lübeck University of Music)
Panel discussion: Prof. Michael Huhn (moderator, HfMT), Prof. Dr. Annette Ziegenmeyer, Julia Peters, Laura Gericke (alumna) and Lennard Simon (student).
Artistic contribution: Music improvisation with Kami Taller and Roland Wendling
Change of perspective as an impetus for social transformation? On the significance and design of encounters in music programs with young people who have committed crimes and/or are at risk
If music education is ascribed a socially transformative potential, it must relate to society: it must be able to initiate encounters between people with different biographical, social and cultural backgrounds whose paths would not normally cross.
This article discusses the extent to which initiated encounters between different groups of people can have a socially transformative effect in music programs at juvenile penal and detention facilities. If music programs take place in this context in different ways and dimensions, the article provides insights into the field of action that opens up here, including the framework conditions and specifics of the context as well as how to deal with the target group.
It discusses the extent to which experiences made here can leave their mark not only on young people who have committed crimes and/or are at risk of doing so, but also on all those involved, which at best have a socially transformative effect. In this way, encounters between people involved in the music programs can stimulate valuable changes in perspective and, as a result, the critical questioning and correction of one's own convictions and patterns of action.
Focus of the discussion: Change processes with regard to teaching formats and artistic expression that inclusion entails
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Diversity Study Weeks
Under the motto Diversity can Inspire, the HfMT is organizing the Diversity Study Weeks in the winter semester 2023/24. Together we celebrate diversity, because it is not just a buzzword, but the heart of our interaction and creative development at an artistic and academic university.
During the six Study Weeks, we will deal with the following topics: Inclusion, classism, proximity & distance, anti-discrimination and participation in education, coloniality and equality for women, inter-, trans- and non-binary people. To this end, we have organized panels, artistic events, lecture series, seminars and much more. These events enrich the range of courses on offer and are open not only to all students, but also to lecturers and staff at the university and, in some cases, external visitors. Come along!
Embedded in the Study Weeks is a lecture series on intersectional topics. Through an artistic-scientific approach, the lecture series aims to raise awareness of the diversity present at the HfMT in all its forms, as well as to identify gaps in diversity and investigate their causes.
to the program overview of the Diversity Study Weeks
The Study Weeks take place as part of the Initiative for Diversity at German Universities of the German Rectors' Conference, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.