Musikgeschichte Global IV: Das 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (= Allgemeine Musikgeschichte IV)
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- Study subject
- Allg. Musikgeschichte 1+2 (V)
- Teachers
- Dr. Silke Wenzel
- Scope
- Mondays, 14:00-15:30, start: April 8, 24
- Room
- Fanny Hensel Saal
- Duration
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Description
The lecture "Music History Global IV" provides an overview of the main trends in European music from the 20th century to the present day: from the dawn of modernism with Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky and the Second Viennese School to the fundamental innovations that have characterized compositions since the 1990s. In addition, however, the broad view will again be ventured: on the lines of transfer between Asian countries and "Western" music, on the development of an independent US-American music, including Charles Ives and George Gershwin, or on the significance of colonialism for musicians and music institutions in African countries.
The history of music in the 20th and 21st centuries can hardly be isolated from the socio-political events of the time: Two world wars, the Holocaust or the division between "East" and "West" - to name but a few - also left their mark on compositions, musical aesthetics and musical life itself. The insights gained from this are formulated as a critical view of music, its social effects and functions.
- Credits
- 2 Creditpoints
- Comments
- Part IV of the four-semester lecture. Compulsory course BA. Proof of performance: participation in 75% of the courses; compulsory written examination for BA students. Registration via Moodle: Please enroll in the course "Musikgeschichte Global IV" (Wenzel) by April 4: The enrollment code is: Musikgeschichte-SoSe24 The lecture can be attended - depending on the study plan - with 1 credit (regular attendance) or with 2 credits (regular attendance / written exam). The exam will take place on July 1, 2024, from 14:00 to 16:00 (90 minutes processing time).
- Modules
- Musikwissenschaftliches Modul Gesang, Hauptfach-Ergaenzungsmodul 1 Dirigieren, Musiktheoretisch-/wissenschaftliches Modul 1, Musikwisenschaft I Lehramt, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 EMP, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt