Geschichte der Oper 1600-1805 (= Allgemeine Musikgeschichte II)
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- Subject according curriculum
- Musicology
- Teachers
- Prof. Dr. Jutta Toelle
- Scope
- Thursdays, 10:00-12:00, start: October 17, 2024
- Room
- Fanny Hensel Saal
- Duration
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Description
The fact that opera can be a way of communicating the world has only crystallized over the centuries, but around 1600 there really was something new in the air (even if the narrative of Monteverdi's Orfeo as the "first opera in music history" is skewed): The focus of this semester is on the first two hundred years of the opera genre, with everything that goes with it (social history, aesthetics, singing practice, audience issues, globalization, financing, etc.).
- Literature
Suitable literature will be announced in the lecture.
- Credits
- 2 Creditpoints
- Comments
Please register by October 17th. Registration takes place via Moodle (self-enrollment): The registration key is: Operngeschichte24
There will be a tutorial for the lecture from November/December.
Exam on 23.01.2025
- Modules
- Musikwissenschaftliches Modul Gesang, Hauptfach-Ergaenzungsmodul 1 Dirigieren, Musiktheoretisch-/wissenschaftliches Modul 1, Musikwisenschaft I Lehramt, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 EMP, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt