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Kulturvergleichendes Hören. Der Phonograph, das Fremde und die Geburtsstunde der Musikethnologie

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Study subject according curriculum
Elective subject, Studium generale
Prof. Frank Böhme
Sommersemester 2024
Thursday 11:30 to 13:00
Multimediahörsaal (ELA 1)
2 Semesterwochenstunden

The history of music reproduction technology began in 1877 with the invention of the phonograph, followed ten years later by the gramophone record. Up to this point, the music of other cultures could only be experienced by traveling to these countries (which was only possible for very few people), when guests from afar came to the West (which was equally rare) or when relying on transcriptions into Western notation (which rarely came close to the original). At the end of the 19th century, scientific expeditions, commercial travelers or missionaries were equipped with a phonograph and commissioned to record the music abroad and send it to Berlin or Vienna. Institutions were soon formed there that dealt with this methodically and systematically. For the first time, it was possible to record the diversity of music on a large scale. The discipline of comparative musicology developed from this debate.
Parallel to colonialism, the collecting mania developed on a grand scale, and the question arises as to how the sound material relates to this. Many historical sound examples from the phonogram archive will be heard.

The seminar follows on from the last semester (but can also be started from scratch). The SoSem. will focus on ethnological theories and the question of colonial presentation.


Will be provided

2 Creditpoints

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Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt, Studium generale Wahlmodul Master