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1700 bis 1884 – Klavier, Klaviermusik und Interpretation. Vom Hammerklavier zum modernen Konzertflügel

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Subject according curriculum
Elective subject
Prof. Frank Böhme
Monday 10:00 to 11:30
BP U11
2 Semesterwochenstunden

The seminar is aimed at (major) pianists and other interested parties.

The seminar is designed as a combined study of instruments, repertoire and interpretation. The developments in piano construction will be considered in parallel with the development of piano music. In particular, questions of a historically informed approach to interpretation will be discussed and its significance for present and future piano art.

In 1700, the ingenious Italian instrument maker Bartolomeo Cristofori built a new type of instrument for Prince Ferdinando di Medici, a fortepiano developed by him. Over 180 years later, in January 1884, the company Steinway & Sons in New York built the first concert grand piano Model D. A large part of the pianistic repertoire commonly played today from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras dates from the intervening period.

The seminar will focus in particular on interpretational questions from a historical but also future-oriented perspective. In addition to a cursory treatment of textbooks and other contemporary sources, practical explorations of historical instruments in the collection of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg are also planned.

An excursion to another collection of historical keyboard instruments is also planned. Details and dates will be discussed at the first meeting on October 7.

Further lecturers Olaf Kirsch, Ekaterina Polyakova (Music Collection of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe)


Will be provided

2 Creditpoints

Please register via e-mail:

Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt, Studium generale Wahlmodul Master