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Genderdialoge in Musik. Regionale Ausprägungen und globale Perspektiven

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Subject according curriculum
Dr. Silke Wenzel
Tuesdays, 18:00-19:30, start: October 15
BP 13 (Seminarraum Schulmusik)
1.5 Semesterwochenstunden

All over the world, social norms of how the sexes treat each other are represented in music. They are questioned and negotiated, manifested, playfully converted, angrily accused or imaginatively conjured up. It is not uncommon for gender relations to be integrated into rituals and cultic practices through, with and in music, and thus preserved for centuries, even in places where other forms of coexistence have long since developed in everyday life. At the same time, music can develop an enormous emancipatory force in asymmetrical power relations or provide places of retreat and thus have a unifying and binding effect. The seminar and lecture series will explore this topic using specific examples and looking at several continents and societies. In doing so, we will also talk about migration, transculturalism and superdiversity. Emphasis will be placed on what connects us, the dialog, the universitas in the diversitas.


Suitable literature will be announced in the seminar.

2 Creditpoints

The seminar is designed as a face-to-face seminar. It can be taken for 2 CP (attendance and presentation) or 3 CP (+ seminar paper). Proof of performance: 75% attendance and presentation: 2 credits; with seminar paper: 3 credits.

Registration takes place via Moodle: Please enroll in the course "Gender Dialogues in Music" by October 10: The enrollment code is: Genderdialoge24

Musikwissenschaftliches Modul Gesang, Musikwissenschaftliche Seminare Gesang, Wahlmodul 1 Gesang, Ergänzungsmodul Kammermusik Master, Ergänzungsmodul Liedgestaltung Master, Musiktheorie 3 Komposition/Musiktheorie, Musiktheoretisch-/wissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musiktheoretisches/Musikwissenschaftliches Wahlmodul Instrumental, Musikwisenschaft I Lehramt, Musikwissenschaft II Lehramt, Musikwissenschaft III Master Lehramt, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 Kirchenmusik A (Master), Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 Master, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3 Komposition/Musiktheorie, Musiktheoretisch/-wissenschaftliches Modul Master, Promotionsmodul, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt