Komponistinnen. Ein Forschungsseminar
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- Subject according curriculum
- Musicology
- Teachers
- Dr. Silke Wenzel
- Scope
- Mondays, 16:00-17:30, start: October 14, 2024
- Room
- Fanny Hensel Saal
- Duration
- 1.5 Semesterwochenstunden
- Description
The demand for more works by and knowledge about female composers is currently a weighty topic, also at the HfMT Hamburg. The seminar sets out in search of female composers who have so far been less known or unknown. Among other things, student circles, music catalogs, collections and estates as well as the contemporary press will serve as a guide, with the aim of finding names and works that are worthy of further consideration. Depending on the individual interests of the students, different (research) focuses can be set: The search for traces in biographical and musical sources, the systematization and categorization of what has been found, the editing of sheet music, the writing of texts, e.g. for MUGI (mugi.hfmt-hamburg.de), or simply: dealing with the new, the different, the unknown as a source of inspiration and motivation. In this way, an (interpretative) bridge can be constructed from the past to the present for those female composers and their works that have not been performed for decades, in some cases centuries.
In the winter semester, the seminar is combined with a workshop in which individual works are played and tested together with teachers from the instrumental and vocal departments or instrumental didactics. The aim is also to search for works that could be considered for the university's repertoire lists.
- Credits
- 3 Creditpoints
- Comments
The research seminar can be attended as a musicology seminar with 2 (attendance+presentation) or 3 credits (+ seminar paper) as well as a project course for Master's students (3 or 6 credits, coursework by arrangement). Registration takes place via Moodle: https://elearning.hfmt-hamburg.de/course/view.php?id=728 (self-enrollment). The registration code is: female composers24-25.
- Modules
- Musikwissenschaftliches Modul Gesang, Musikwissenschaftliche Seminare Gesang, Wahlmodul 1 Gesang, Ergänzungsmodul Kammermusik Master, Ergänzungsmodul Liedgestaltung Master, Musiktheoretisch-/wissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musiktheoretisches/Musikwissenschaftliches Wahlmodul Instrumental, Musikwisenschaft I Lehramt, Musikwissenschaft II Lehramt, Musikwissenschaft III Master Lehramt, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 Kirchenmusik A (Master), Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 Master, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 1 Chorleitung Master, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 2, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3, Musikwissenschaftliches Modul 3 Komposition/Musiktheorie, Musiktheoretisch/-wissenschaftliches Modul Master, Promotionsmodul, Wahlmodul freie Wahl (alle Studiengänge), Wahlmodul Lehramt